Show time! The Iditarod Trail Invitational starts today, and it is hard for me to describe what anticipation and nerves I have been feeling over the last 72 hours. Not since my first ever ultra marathon in Madagascar 10 years ago have I felt this intensely unclear about what I am about to experience. Exhilarating and slightly terrifying all at the same time. The racers & crew of the ITI that I have met so far are all beyond compare - but that’ll be a story for a different time. Now, to get on the bus and out towards Knik to start this adventure!!

You can follow (and message) me on my GPS tracker:

If you’d like to dot-follow on the official race website, you may do so here:

My goal for this adventure is simple: to learn, to be safe, and to push my comfort zone into a new direction that is entirely unknown to me. I expect to be out there for the whole 10 days and will have to conserve battery life so will be away from my electronics — but please do keep me company by sending messages if you’re so inclined!

See you on the other side….
